Kabbalah - Bnei Baruch - Switzerland - Association - Purple - Logo
Bnei Baruch - Switzerland - Association
If you are interested in the wisdom of Kabbalah and in joining the global Kli (spiritual vessel),
start your journey at https://kabbalah.info and get imbued by the Light that reforms.
kabbalah.ch - Bnei Baruch - Switzerland - Association
Registered Office :

Geneva International Center
1, rue de Varembé
Post Office Box 162
CH - 1202 Geneva

T : +41 - (0)22 - 503 21 07
E : contact@kabbalah.ch
Branch Office :

kabbalah.ch - Vaud - Perroy
c/o A. & A. Frauchiger - Hjelm
22, chemin des Pêcheurs
CH - 1166 Perroy

T : +41 - (0)79 - 347 07 14
E : alain.frauchiger@kabbalah.ch
disseminating the science of everything
Our Swiss study group association also welcomes you anytime, feel free to connect with us :
Bnei Baruch - Kabbalah LA'Am - Association
12, HaRabash Street
Petah Tikva
T : +972 - 1 700 - 509 209
E : help@kli.one
Global Contact -> for all inquiries, please write to : info@kabbalah.info
kabbalah revealed
with Tony Kosinec - full course - 15 lessons
with Tony Kosinec - full series
perceiving reality
enter the Zohar
full course - 7 short lessons
grow the point in the heart
kabbalah.ch - Bnei Baruch - Switzerland - Association is a not for profit organization founded in 1999 according to art. 65 to 79 of the Civil Code of Switzerland - it's sole objective is the study and dissemination of authentic Kabbalah according to the teachings of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute founded by Michael Laitman in 1991 under the name of Bnei Baruch - Kabbalah L'Am Association now in Petah Tikva, Israel. Rav Laitman is a direct disciple and longtime personal assistant (1979 to 1991) of Kabbalist Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag known as the The Rabash, the first born son and successor ot the great Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam (Owner of the Ladder) for his Sulam (Ladder) commentary on the Book of Zohar (Book of Splendor or Radiance). All teaching material presented and shared belong exclusively to Bnei Baruch - Kabbalah L'Am Association to whom our Swiss association is not affiliated in any legal manner whatsoever. All Authors' Copyrights are expressly reserved. https://kabbalah.info provides the study material freely accessible at no charge and disseminates lignage teachings 4000 years old ascending to the first Kabbalist Abraham dating back to 1947-48 BCE - Kabbalah is not a religion; it is the Science of Creation, hence the group known as Bnei Baruch (Sons of Baruch) is not a cult organization, but simply a spiritual group and common desire to advance Humanity under the Creator's forces, guidance and protection. In Kabbalah, there is no secret !  ♥ Hallelu Jah ♥
Love your Neighbor as Yourself !
attain the spiritual world